Once Upon A Film Industry
Deep dive interviews on the life stories, mindsets, habits, and experiences of successful film industry professionals in order to inspire, educate and motivate the aspiring and/or working filmmaker. Hosted by veteran filmmaker Steven Lloyd Bennett and business development guru Alberto Lopez.
Once Upon A Film Industry
How to Start with Nothing with Jamal Hodge
Steven Lloyd Bennett and Al Lopez
Season 1
Episode 13
Audio Player
00:00 | 38:21
On this week's episode we have Director, Writer, Producer Jamal Hodge. He had a rough start to his life but he never used any of it as an excuse. He built his career from the ground up and he is now a multiple award winning filmmaker who's directed television shows, made a feature film and has even inspired many inner city children with his mentoring.
Jamal's Website: directorhodge.com
Jamal's Reel: https://vimeo.com/295553293
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